
Food Science and Technology

Prof. Joel O. Ndife

Head of Department

Welcome Message

The department is home to researchers focused on post-harvest technologies, food chemistry and toxicology, food microbiology, food engineering, food processing, food quality assurance and control, food product innovation, sensory and consumer sciences.

We are interested in assuring the best practices of making safe, nutritious, healthy and delicious food and beverages as well as ensuring abundant supply of food for the community.

Students earn Bachelor’s, Master of Science and Doctorate degrees and take on careers as quality assurance managers, food microbiologists, sensory analysts, R&D scientists, managers of food processing operations and regulatory affairs, food and flavour chemists, etc. Some go on to graduate school to become professors and knowledge transfer experts, conducting reputable research and consulting on food issues. Many others pursue entrepreneurial opportunities to create jobs and pursue innovative business ventures.