
Directorate of Academic Planning


Welcome Message

Welcome to the Directorate of Academic Planning, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike. The Quality Assurance and Control arm of the University. The Academic Planning Unit (APU), an arm of the Vice Chancellor’s Office was one of the foremost Units/Departments established as early as the University. This is as a result of the need to form an accurate data base for planning purposes.


The National Universities Commission (NUC) Decree No. 16 of 1985 and Decree No. 49 of 1988 which empowered it to: “lay down minimum academic standards for all Universities in the Federation and to accredit their degrees and other academic awards” hence the creation of the Directorate of Academic Planning. The Directorate of Academic Planning (DAP), was established in November 1993 in response to the need to attend to one of the critical functions eminent from the inception of the university which was that of planning. The Directorate which is an arm of the Vice Chancellor`s office is the hub of academic activities in the university and is headed by a Director who is a high ranking academic staff and is assisted by professionals and other supportive staff. The unit is linked up with every segment of the university and has been involved in almost all the committees set up by the university management for effective administration of the university.


The vision of the Academic Planning Unit is to consciously and systematically enshrine the concept of functional and effective planning into all facets of the University. This involves planning with the plans of various segments of the University in order to accomplish the overall vision, mission and objectives of the University

The major duties of the Academic Planning Unit could be grouped into the following sub-headings

  • Allocation Planning
  • Feedback Planning
  • Process Planning
  • Institutional Research, Statistics and Publication
  • Fellowships, Scholarships and External Aids

The mission of the Academic Planning Unit is to establish an integrated planning mechanism for the accomplishment of the goals and objectives of the University and to instill planning consciousness at all levels in the university so that their activities will be directed towards achieving stated objectives. It is also our mission to ensure that action is preceded by carefully laid down plans for self-sustaining development.

It is the responsibility of the Unit to synthesize all data available in the University for the publication of the University Statistical digest.

Specifically, the Unit’s functions are as follows:

  • Planning
  • Preparation of Academic Brief
  • Curriculum Development and Evaluation
  • Preparation of Annual Recurrent Estimates
  • Monitoring of Resource Allocation and Utilization:
  • Accreditation of Degree Programmes
  • Collation and publication of data on Staff and Students
  • Liaison with other Colleges, Schools, Departments and Units
  • Data Base Management
  • Co-ordination of Fellowships, scholarships, linkages, external Aids etc
  • Preparation and Publication of University Statistical Digest