
Works and Maintenance Department

Works and Maintenance Department

Welcome Message

The Works and Maintenance Department was formerly a part of Physical Planning and Works Service Department until September, 2010 when it became a department. The department is headed by the Directory, Works and Maintenance Service. The Works and Maintenance is not involved in the major capital projects. The Physical Planning Department handles all major capital projects and on completion transfers to users for use and Works and Maintenance for subsequent maintenance.

The department handles direct labour projects which are mainly maintenance in nature. The Works and Maintenance Department is solely responsible for maintenance infrastructures which include:


  • Offices/Laboratories/Workshops
  • Official residences
  • Official residences




The maintenance works are done by the various units in the Works and Maintenance department. Such units are:

  1. Civil/Building Unit:

This unit is responsible for all maintenance jobs involving carpentry, plumbing/masonry and sign writing/painting.

  1. Electrical/Electronics Unit:

This unit is responsible for all maintenance jobs involving electrical systems in the University.

  1. Mechanical Unit (Heavy Duty):

This unit is responsible for all maintenance jobs involving diesel engine generators and heavy duty vehicles (including tractors). The procurement of bulk diesel and dispensing to the University’s Community is undertaken through this unit.

  1. Mechanical Unit: (Light Duty)

This unit is responsible for all maintenance jobs involving petrol engine generators, petrol engine vehicles, welding, refrigeration and air-conditioning system, panel beating works and auto-electrical works.

  1. Landscaping Unit:

This unit is responsible for maintenance of all landscaping jobs.

Landscape Unit/Campus Cleaning

  • Clearing of grasses in and around the surroundings of major/strategic roads, colleges, administration building areas, hostels, principal officers official residences, open field, lecture halls, staff school, guest house etc.
  • Weeding of grasses around the foot of building, kerbs and car parks.
  • Filling/mending of pot holes on roads within the campus.
  • Watering of ornamental flowers.
  • Pruning/lawn mowing of grasses and ornamental hedge flowers.
  • Cleaning/arrangement of seats in all University organized programmes/ceremonies.
  • Desilting of drains to the campus road network.
  • Landscaping of University’s main gate and its frontage.
  • Planting of ornamental flowers and shed trees around the drive way and hostel environment.

Task Accomplishedl

The first substantive Director of Works and Maintenance assumed duties on 1st August, 2014. The major accomplishments of the works and maintenance services since 2014 can be summarized as follows:

  • Rehabilitation and continuous maintenance of all gen sets on campus to ensure uninterrupted power supply support to the University Community.
  • Liaison with EEDC for upgrading the shortfall in the public mains supply of electricity to the University, thereby ensuring more regular power supply.
  • Constant monitoring and attendance to maintenance complaints on buildings in the University including plumbing and electrical installations.
  • Constant water supply and bore hole maintenance.
  • Repairs to diesel and petrol fuel vehicles.
  • Maintenance words and rehabilitation of hostels, and official residences.
  • General cleaning of the University premises and maintenance of landscape and lawns.